Greg Jorgenson, RPF, joined the Forest Practices Board in December 2023.
Greg received his Bachelor of Science in Forestry at the University of British Columbia in 1999. He became a Registered Professional Forester (RPF) in 2003 and is an accredited silviculture surveyor.
Before joining the Board, Greg spent the last seven years of his career focusing on provincial silviculture improvements within the Office of the Chief Forester in the Ministry of Forests. He has worked as the provincial lead for silviculture surveys and the strategic planning officer responsible for leading and collaborating on provincial silviculture policy initiatives.
Early in his career, Greg spent over a decade owning and operating a forestry consulting company specializing in professional and technical silviculture services in the Cariboo area. In 2013, Greg and his family moved to Vancouver Island where he joined Island Timberlands as an area forester responsible for silviculture programs on Southern Vancouver Island and Haida Gwaii. Greg and his family currently live in Victoria.