Complaint Investigation – IRC/137
May 2008
Interior Rainforest and Rare Lichens
- The Ministry of Forests and Range, Ministry of Environment and the Integrated Land Management Bureau should formulate an overall stewardship strategy for the interior rainforest to ensure that biodiversity values are adequately managed and conserved.
- The Minister of Forests and Range should examine the UNBC research and the ILMB Legacy Project reports to identify vulnerable interior rainforest stands in the Robson Valley and Prince George TSAs and the risk to such values from harvesting. Once areas are identified as vulnerable and at risk, the Minister should designate those areas under Part 13 of the Forest Act and suspend, vary or refuse to issue cutting permits and other timber harvesting plans for up to ten years.
- The Regional Executive Director of ILMB should provide the Board with a copy of the decision on whether to establish spatial OGMAs, upon the completion of the Legacy Project. The document should incorporate a rationale for the decision, including the factors considered and how values and risks were identified and addressed.
Driscoll Ridge and Ancient Forest Hiking Trails
- The Minister of Tourism, Sport and the Arts should establish the Driscoll Ridge Trail and the Ancient Forest Trail as recreation trails under section 56(1) of the Forest and Range Practices Act.
- The Minister of Tourism, Sport and the Arts should consider setting legal objectives for each of the trails as empowered by section 56(3) of the Forest and Range Practices Act.
- The Minister of Tourism, Sport and the Arts should consider designating the Ancient Forest hiking trail as an interpretative forest site as empowered by section 56(1) of the Forest and Range Practices Act.
Response to Recommendations