Special Investigation – SIR/26
November 2009
1.a) The Board recommends that government explore the option of creating a more streamlined framework for range planning by replacing the RUP with a set of clear practice requirements and creating a defined approach for preparation of RSPs. A number of considerations would have to go into such a framework including:
- What should the criteria be for determining who can follow practice requirements and who can prepare an RSP? Also, to what extent will the holder of an RSP be able to vary from the practice requirements?
- How should the timing and amount of grazing be determined—through range readiness criteria and stubble heights? And who should make the determination?
- How should tenure‐specific issues be identified and addressed?
- Who should have monitoring responsibilities and how should monitoring be set up to efficiently and effectively assess range condition and modify plans and practices to achieve continuous improvement?
1. b) For those agreement holders who prepare RSPs, their content and quality needs improvements, such as ensuring that:
- Tenure‐specific issues or problems are identified, and measures to address them are proposed in the plan.
- Readiness criteria and period of use are specified in such a way that it is clear what is required so that over‐grazing does not result. Issues and actions are measurable and enforceable.
- Designated features are identified on range tenure maps, and measures to protect those features from grazing impacts are proposed where appropriate.
- Adequate monitoring of the range resource is done to enable adaptive management and continuous improvement in range condition.
2. The Board recommends that government ensure that all range plans being considered for approval fully meet the content requirements set out in legislation before they are approved.
3. The Board recommends that government invest in training to ensure agreement holders and range staff understand government’s objectives for range and that agreement holders have sufficient knowledge to comply with the range plan and the range practice requirements.
Response to Recommendations