News & Publications

Audit: BCTS & TSLs - Haida Gwaii Natural Resource District portion of the Chinook Business Area

January 28, 2025
Natural Resource Region: west-coast
District: haida-gwaii

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BC Timber Sales operations on Haida Gwaii pass audit

VICTORIA - The Forest Practices Board has completed its audit of BC Timber Sales (BCTS) and Timber Sale Licence (TSL) holders in the Haida Gwaii Natural Resource District.

The board conducted a compliance audit that examined all forestry planning and activities carried out by BCTS and TSL holders in the area between May 1, 2022, and May 31, 2024. The parties complied with most legislative requirements with two exceptions.

Auditors found BCTS was not diligent in inspecting approximately 90 kilometres of its roads and structures in its Sewell Inlet operating area. This is considered a significant non-compliance. BCTS rated the forest service roads in the area as moderate-risk, which required annual inspections. Upon request, BCTS could not provide auditors with any current road and structure inspections. Following the audit, BCTS inspected these roads to identify maintenance priorities and has committed to working with the Ministry of Forests and the Haida Nation to develop road deactivation plans as needed.

Auditors found all three TSL holders audited had abated fire hazards within the required period. However, two TSL holders did not complete the required number of fire-hazard assessments and did not conduct fuel-hazard assessments on time. This is considered an area requiring improvement, since fire hazards were effectively abated.

This audit took place within the territory of the Haida Nation, the current, historical and ancient home of the Haida peoples. The Haida peoples have been stewards of Haida Gwaii since time immemorial and the Forest Practices Board acknowledges their deep connection with the land that continues to this day.

The Forest Practices Board is B.C.'s independent watchdog for sound forest and range practices, reporting its findings and recommendations directly to the public and government. The board audits forest and range practices on public lands and the appropriateness of government enforcement. It can also make recommendations for improvement to practices and legislation.


Tanner Senko
Communications Manager
Forest Practices Board
250 889-8211 / 1 800 994-5899

The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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