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Managing At-Risk Plant Communities near Mount Elphinstone Park

Elphinstone Logging Focus, an environmental group on the Sunshine Coast, complained that cutblocks sold by BC Timber Sales would impact at-risk plant communities and affect the integrity of the ecosystem near Mt. Elphinstone Park. The Board investigated and determined that the mature forest stands in the cutblocks contained plant communities listed by the BC Conservation […]

Forest Practices Board Releases Canfor Audit Report

Victoria – Poor planning for mountain pine beetle was found in an audit of Canadian Forest Products Ltd.’s operational planning and forest practices near Takla Lake, says a report released today by the Forest Practices Board. Canfor generally complied with the requirements of the Forest Practices Code, the report said. However, significant non-compliance in the […]

BC Resource Roads an Asset and a Liability

VICTORIA– In a new report on the state of access management, the Forest Practices Board estimates that B.C. now has over 600,000 kilometres of resource roads and concludes that the provincial government’s information about and management of these roads remains inadequate. “It is extremely difficult for the public and other users of resource roads to […]