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Three licences in Kamloops Forest District pass audit

An audit of three non-renewable forest licences in the Kamloops Forest District found they met the requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act, according to a report released today. The three licences, held by Tk’Emlupsemc Forestry Development Corporation (Tk’Emlups) (A80706), the Ashcroft Indian Band (A81385) and the Neskonlith Indian Band (A83410) operate under the Kamloops Land and Resource Management Plan, which provides direction from government on how to manage public lands and resources within the plan area.

Two Fraser Valley Woodlots Investigated by Forest Practices Board

VICTORIA – Investigations of two woodlots in Maple Ridge for forest management practices, following complaints from the public, have now been completed, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The investigation of the 276-hectare BCIT Forest Society woodlot near Kanaka Creek concluded that the woodlot’s streamside management, and erosion and sediment control activities are appropriate. The […]