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Issue #5 – Summer 2011

Thanks to the many readers who responded to the professional reliance question in our winter 2010/2011 newsletter. Your effort is greatly appreciated and your insights will help shape how the Board approaches this important topic. Over the past several months, the Board’s work has seen some changes. In particular, we are interacting with a much […]

Issue #6 – Winter 2011/12

I would like to begin the New Year by thanking all the people who help the Board do its job, particularly the individuals whose work becomes the subject of an audit, complaint or investigation. I understand that it is not comfortable, nor convenient to be audited or investigated, and have been impressed by the professionalism and cooperation exhibited. Over the […]

Issue #7 – Summer 2012

I encourage all readers to provide feedback to the Board. Informal comments about a recent report or how the Board carries out its work are welcomed and appreciated. Whether you prefer to comment on our Facebook page, Tweet us, or use more private means such as email or phone, your perspective is important to us. Although the Forest Practices Board carefully […]

Issue #8 – Winter 2012/13

“Social licence” is a term used to describe the general approval society gives to industries operating  on public lands. The extent to which social licence exists depends  upon the public’s confidence that industries will follow the rules, act responsibly, and generate more public benefit than harm. The Board believes that independent  oversight is an important and cost-effective method for fostering […]