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Board to audit PIR forestry operations in Bulkley TSA

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest practices of West Fraser Mills Ltd, Pacific Inland Resources Division, Forest Licence A16830, from July 5 to 10. The forest licence is in the Bulkley Timber Supply Area, which is in the Skeena Stikine Forest District. Auditors will examine planning, harvesting, roads, silviculture and fire protection activities for […]

Grazing cattle harm water bodies

A Forest Practices Board study of the impacts of cattle grazing near lakes, streams and wetlands in B.C. has found some range practices that could harm fish habitat, wildlife habitat and water quality.

Comprehensive plan needed to save sensitive coastal plant communities

VICTORIA– The Forest Practices Board is recommending that the provincial government promptly finalize and implement an overall stewardship strategy for the coastal Douglas fir ecosystem (CDF) on Southeast Vancouver Island. The recommendation was made in a newly released board report, Woodlot Harvesting and Red-listed Plant Communities in the Coastal Douglas-fir Ecosystem of Vancouver Island.  The […]