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Investigation concludes wood waste properly accounted for

VICTORIA – A Forest Practices Board investigation into a complaint about how wood waste is measured and reported after timber harvesting shows that a government wood waste accounting system is being implemented appropriately, with the primary purpose of ensuring government receives payment for wood harvested. “Poor markets and the rising value of the Canadian dollar […]

Tsay Keh Dene forestry company gets good audit report

VICTORIA – An audit of non-replaceable forest licence (NRFL) A62375 in the Mackenzie Natural Resource District, found compliance with B.C.’s forestry legislation, according to a report released today. Planning and forestry activities on the licence were conducted by Chu Cho Industries LP, which is owned by the Tsay Keh Dene First Nation. “We are pleased to see that […]

Issue #19 – Summer 2018

I am very pleased to have been appointed the Chair of the Forest Practices Board. For more than 30 years, I have worked in the field of natural resources management in BC, and in that time the Board has become a highly respected voice for sound forest and range practices.  I have admired the Board […]

Audit of Prince George forestry operations finds compliance issues

VICTORIA – An audit of the BC Timber Sales program and 26 timber sale licensees in the Prince George District found that the forestry activities of BCTS and 24 licensees complied with forest practices legislation, but two licensees had non-compliance issues, according to a report released today. Auditors found that one licence holder installed an […]

Comprehensive plan needed to save sensitive coastal plant communities

VICTORIA– The Forest Practices Board is recommending that the provincial government promptly finalize and implement an overall stewardship strategy for the coastal Douglas fir ecosystem (CDF) on Southeast Vancouver Island. The recommendation was made in a newly released board report, Woodlot Harvesting and Red-listed Plant Communities in the Coastal Douglas-fir Ecosystem of Vancouver Island.  The […]

Board Coming to the Queen Charlotte Islands to Audit BCTS and Timber Sale Licence Holders

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board is coming to the Queen Charlotte Islands in early May, to audit British Columbia Timber Sales (BCTS) and timber sale licence (TSL) holders. The audit will examine BCTS and TSL holders’ operations throughout the Queen Charlotte Islands timber supply area (TSA), including Sewell Inlet, Collison Point, and Massett Inlet. […]