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Issue #10 – Winter 2013/14

My thanks to all of you who’ve contributed to the Board’s success over the past year. The cooperation and feedback we receive goes a long way to making our work rewarding and helps us to continually adapt and improve. This will be my last message as Chair, and I want to express my appreciation for […]

Issue #11 – Summer 2014

December, I have been meeting with and renewing contact with many industry, government, First Nations, community and non-government organization representatives. Establishing lines of communication and building relationships are important to me, as this facilitates the sharing of perspectives, areas of concern and priorities and allows me to communicate what we do, what we have done […]

Issue #13 – Summer 2015

The Forest Practices Board is celebrating 20 years of service to the public and government of BC as the independent oversight of BC’s forest and range practices. The Board’s body of work is substantive and has contributed to better and more consistent practices, compliance and regulatory performance. Independent oversight is good public policy—it builds accountability, […]

Supreme Court Upholds Forest Practices Board’s Freedom To Comment

Victoria – The BC Supreme Court has rejected a legal argument that would have seriously impaired the ability of the Forest Practices Board to report what is going on in the province’s forests. The Forest Practices Board’s right to fully report its audit findings to the public was upheld in the Nov. 30th decision. In […]

Issue #15 – Summer 2016

In my meetings with stakeholders and professionals I have heard some comment that the Board never acknowledges good practices, and from others I have heard the concern that there is just a minimum standard of forestry being practiced in the woods. I think we can all agree we want our practices to be second to […]

Forest Practices Board annual report details accomplishments

VICTORIA –The Forest Practices Board’s annual report, reviewing the board’s accomplishments and key findings from April 2011 to March 2012, was released today, and it illustrates the Board’s efforts to look at a range of different resource developments affecting public forest land. “Last year we audited some non-typical forestry operations to see if the generally […]