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Forest Practices Board releases its first coastal audit

The Forest Practices Board today released the report for its first audit on the coast – an audit of the road and timber harvesting practices on Tree Farm Licence 45 held by International Forest Products Ltd. The licence is located in the coastal mainland area north of Campbell River. The audit examined the road and […]

Changes needed to compliance and enforcement program

VICTORIA – A new report on the compliance and enforcement (C&E) program in the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development has been released. “Sufficient oversight of forestry and range activities is critical to support the environmental, social and economic values that B.C.’s forestry legislation is intended to protect,” said Kevin Kriese, […]

Plans for livestock grazing questioned

VICTORIA – A report released today says that planning requirements for grazing livestock on public lands are not being met, and the Forest Practices Board is recommending that government look at eliminating the preparation of detailed plans for most ranchers and giving them practice requirements that they must follow instead. Under the province’s Forest and […]