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Interfor Gets Clean Audit from the Forest Practices Board

VICTORIA – International Forest Products’ forest practices in Tree Farm Licence 10 (TFL 10) on the mainland coast are complying with the Forest Practices Code, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today. “Interfor’s practices complied with the Code in all significant respects.” said Board chair, Keith Moore. “Overall, this is a good audit […]

South Coast and Vancouver Island Forest Roads Under Investigation

Victoria – The Forest Practices Board will investigate maintenance of forestry roads and bridges in the southwest part of the province this fall. Current forestry legislation requires government and forest companies that have road permits to maintain roads and bridges to ensure public safety and to protect the environment. Three teams of investigators will look […]

Forest Practices Board Releases Canfor Audit Report

Victoria – Poor planning for mountain pine beetle was found in an audit of Canadian Forest Products Ltd.’s operational planning and forest practices near Takla Lake, says a report released today by the Forest Practices Board. Canfor generally complied with the requirements of the Forest Practices Code, the report said. However, significant non-compliance in the […]

Evans Forest Products Audited for Forest Practices

Victoria – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices on Tree Farm Licence 55 held by Evans Forest Products Ltd., a division of Louisiana-Pacific Canada Engineered Wood Products Ltd. The operating area for this licence is in the Columbia timber supply area, 90 kilometres north of Revelstoke, on the east side […]

BCTS Kamloops passes audit

VICTORIA – An audit of BC Timber Sales (BCTS) and timber sale licence holders (TSL holders) in the Kamloops business area found compliance with B.C.’s forestry legislation, according to a report released today. “BCTS and 18 out of 19 TSL holders fully complied with requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire […]