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Board to audit PIR forestry operations in Bulkley TSA

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest practices of West Fraser Mills Ltd, Pacific Inland Resources Division, Forest Licence A16830, from July 5 to 10. The forest licence is in the Bulkley Timber Supply Area, which is in the Skeena Stikine Forest District. Auditors will examine planning, harvesting, roads, silviculture and fire protection activities for […]

Impacts of Mountain Pine Beetle Salvage Logging on a Trapline

In January 2010, the Forest Practices Board received a complaint from a Colleymount resident who farms, logs, and holds a range and a trapping tenure. The complainant believes that harvesting and road construction have reduced the available amount of wildlife habitat, disrupted the natural movement of animals and that his trapping tenure can no longer support […]