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Reforesting Amendments Appropriate, Board finds

VICTORIA – Forest companies are making reasonable and appropriate amendments to their free-growing strategies, the Forest Practices Board reported today. Following the logging of public land, forest companies are required to reforest sites with native tree species to establish a new crop of trees. The companies are then required to tend those trees for a […]

Skeena Cellulose Audited for Forest Practices

VICTORIA -The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices in Tree Farm Licence #1 held by Skeena Cellulose Inc. The operating areas for this licence are north and south of Terrace in the Kalum forest district. This is a full-scope audit that will look at operational planning, harvesting, roads, silviculture and fire […]

Board to audit two community forests near Fort St. James

VICTORIA – The board will audit the forest practices of Fort St. James Community Forest Corporation on Community Forest Agreement (CFA) K1D and Tanizul Timber Ltd. on CFA K4B, as well as the silviculture obligations of tree farm licence 42, during the week of Aug. 17, 2015. The auditors will examine all operational planning, harvesting, roads, […]

Regenerating dry interior Douglas-fir forests proves challenging

VICTORIA – A special investigation of reforestation in dry interior Douglas-fir (IDF) forests in the B.C. interior has found current efforts may not be leading to future healthy forests, according to a report released on Thursday, Sept. 17, 2020. “While we found that industry is following legal requirements and is increasingly planting a variety of tree […]

Pacheedaht First Nation and Andersen Timber get good audit

VICTORIA – An audit of forestry activities on tree farm licence (TFL) 61 in the South Island Natural Resource District has found compliance with the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire Act, according to a new report. “Our audit found that Pacheedaht Andersen Timber Holdings LP (PATH) did a good job meeting all […]