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Salvage logging only one factor affecting Cariboo ranch

An investigation into a complaint from a rancher in the Cariboo-Chilcotin about the effects of mountain pine beetle and salvage logging on water flows has not found any precise answers, but identifies salvage logging as one of a number of contributing factors. This case underscores the need for greater knowledge about the effect of forest disturbance on watersheds.

Forest Practices Board appeals Brooks Bay Plan

The Forest Practices Board has filed an appeal of MacMillan Bloedel’s forest development plan for the Brooks Bay area of northwestern Vancouver Island. The Board is asking the Forest Appeals Commission to decide if the plan meets the requirements of the Forest Practices Code. A review panel decided in November that the Brooks Bay plan […]

Forest Practices Board requests administrative review of plan

On September 11, 1996 the Forest Practices Board requested an administrative review of the forest development plan for the Brooks Bay development area of MacMillan Bloedel’s Port McNeill Division on northwestern Vancouver Island. The development plan includes logging operations and associated roads in five cutblocks scheduled for 1996 and 1997. Three of the cutblocks are […]