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Some Code Non-Compliance Found In Audit Of Port McNeill Forest District’s Small Business Program

ICTORIA – A Forest Practices Board audit released today finds that the Ministry of Forests Small Business Forest Enterprise Program (SBFEP) in the Port McNeill Forest District generally complied with Forest Practices Code requirements. Significant non-compliance was identified in timber harvesting, bridge construction and operational planning. “Most of the planning and practices in the Port […]

Audit of Forest Planning and Practices: NRFLs A75807, A79504 and A90380 – Chilliwack Natural Resource District NRFLs

As part of its 2019 compliance audit program, the Board selected three non-replaceable forest licences (NRFLs) in the Chilliwack Natural Resource District as a location for a full scope compliance audit. The licences include A75807, A79504 and A90380, held by Ts’elxweyeqw Forestry Limited Partnership, Leq’ A: Mel Forestry Limited Partnership, and Skwah First Nation, respectively. […]

Enforcement of Forest Legislation Appropriate in Fort St. James District

In a special report released today, the Forest Practices Board reports that B.C. has between 400,000 and 500,000 km of resource roads – the distance from the earth to the moon – yet the provincial government’s management of these roads is not as effective or co-ordinated as it should be.

Closing Letter: Post Creek

The complaint lists a number of issues and includes a request that the cutblocks proposed by Tamihi Logging Co. Ltd. (…