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Investigation into Furlong Creek logging complaint results in resolution

VICTORIA– A complaint investigation into logging practices at Furlong Creek near Terrace has resulted in resolution between the complainant and the licensee, according to a Forest Practices Board report issued today. A complaint was filed with the board after a member of the public visited the logging site and saw conditions that caused concern.  Further […]

Audit of Downie Street Sawmills finds road issue

VICTORIA – An audit of Downie Street Sawmills on forest licence A31102, near Revelstoke, found compliance with most legal requirements, with the exception of some steep sections of road that were not properly constructed and were considered unsafe for industrial use. Other than this issue, Downie’s forestry activities complied with the Forest and Range Practices […]

Effectiveness of forestry remediation orders examined

An investigation of remediation orders issued to forest and range operators who have not complied with legislation has determined that these orders are not as effective as they could be. Rules about how to conduct forest or range activities are set out in British Columbia’s Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) and Wildfire Act (WA). If a licensee breaches legislation, government may order remediation.

Comprehensive plan needed to save sensitive coastal plant communities

VICTORIA– The Forest Practices Board is recommending that the provincial government promptly finalize and implement an overall stewardship strategy for the coastal Douglas fir ecosystem (CDF) on Southeast Vancouver Island. The recommendation was made in a newly released board report, Woodlot Harvesting and Red-listed Plant Communities in the Coastal Douglas-fir Ecosystem of Vancouver Island.  The […]

Woodlot management generally good, with room for improvement

VICTORIA – A report on an investigation of B.C.’s framework for woodlot management, and the performance of 15 woodlots in the Kootenay Lake timber supply area (TSA), concludes that the legislative and policy framework for woodlots is appropriate and most woodlots are conducting good forest practices on the ground. However, some woodlot licensees need to do a better […]

Logging road put caribou at risk

A Forest Practices Board special investigation has found that the approval of a logging road by the Ministry of Forests did not adequately consider risks to a vulnerable caribou herd.

Audit of Burns Lake Specialty Wood Finds Problems

VICTORIA – A report released today concludes that Burns Lake Specialty Wood complied with most requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act, but failed to comply with Wildfire Act requirements to assess and reduce fire hazards after logging. The audit examined forest planning and practices carried out between September 2011 and October 2013, near […]