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Issue #16 – Winter 2016/17

As 2016 draws to a close, we at the Board have been looking back to see what the trends and issues have been this year. Probably the most significant trend to note is that the Board has received double the normal number of public complaints and concerns with forest management and practices this year. (Public […]

Watershed Assessment in the Glade Community Watershed

In October 2018, the Board received a complaint about planned logging in the Glade community watershed, near Castlegar, BC. The Glade Watershed Protection Society was concerned that a watershed assessment was incomplete, outdated, and inconsistent with forest stewardship plan strategies to meet community watershed objectives. The Board considered whether the watershed assessment is consistent with the expected professional standards, and whether the licensees complied with legal requirements in the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA).

B.C.’s grasslands never recovered from the gold rush

VICTORIA– The effect of 150 years of livestock grazing on grasslands in the interior Douglas Fir zone in south central B.C. has altered much of this ecosystem in long-lasting and possibly permanent ways, according to a Forest Practices Board special report released today. The report says that: Historical grazing has resulted in significantly altered grasslands; […]

Salvage logging near Quesnel has negative impacts on species at risk

VICTORIA – An investigation of a complaint by two trappers has concluded that the population of fisher — a fur-bearing mammal that is a species at risk in B.C. — is at a high risk of decline or local elimination in the Nazko region, west of Quesnel. The Nazko area experienced widespread tree mortality from mountain […]

Road Deactivation and Impacts to Fish Habitat near Kelowna

In November 2017, the Forest Practices Board received a complaint from a member of the public alleging that culverts at stream crossings on a section of forest road were removed and the channels filled with dirt, causing harm to fish and damage to fish habitat. The complaint also alleges that, despite reporting the situation to […]