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Tanizul Timber passes audit of community forest licence

VICTORIA – An audit of Community Forest Agreement CFA K4B, near Fort St. James, has found that Tanizul Timber Ltd. met the requirements of provincial forestry legislation, according to a report released today. “The auditors found that Tanizul is meeting the requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire Act on the […]

Audit of Second Burns Lake Forest Licence Finds Problems

VICTORIA – A report released today concludes that a numbered company owned by the Wet’suwet’en First Nation complied with most, but not all, requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act, and failed to comply with Wildfire Act requirements to assess and reduce fire hazards after logging. The audit examined forest planning and practices carried […]

Audit Examines 25 Licensees, Finds Good Forest Practices

VICTORIA – Forestry operators and ranchers are carrying out good forest practices in an area near Merritt, but government’s enforcement of the Forest Practices Code could be improved, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The board examined the forestry activities of six forest companies, three woodlot licensees, 15 range tenure holders and the Ministry of […]

Forest Fuels a Burning Issue for Interior BC, Report Finds

VICTORIA – Forest fuel reduction needs to become a priority consideration in forest management policy and practices, especially in the Southern Interior of the province, according to a special report released today. The Forest Practices Board commissioned a report on forest fuel management last summer and gathered comment on the report from forest management professionals, […]

Board to audit Canfor operations near Chetwynd

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of the Chetwynd division of Canadian Forest Products Ltd (Canfor) on forest licence A18151, covering five specific areas located in the Peace Forest District near Chetwynd. The forest licence includes five distinct geographic units: one directly north of Chetwynd; one south east of Hudson’s Hope; one […]