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BC Timber Sales undergoes audit

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will examine the activities of the BC Timber Sales (BCTS) program and timber sale licence holders in the Skeena-Stikine Natural Resource District portion of the Babine Business Area from June 5 to 9. Auditors will examine harvesting, road and bridge construction and maintenance, silviculture, fire protection, and associated planning for compliance with […]

Audit of Timber Harvesting and Road Construction, Maintenance, and Deactivation: FL A19207 – Prettys’ Timber Co. Ltd.

VICTORIA – Prettys’ Timber’s operations in the Chilliwack Forest District complied with most requirements of the Forest Practices Code, according to a report released by the Forest Practices Board today. The exceptions are some forest practices near streams and practices to manage risks from timber blow down. “Prettys’ timber harvesting operations generally complied with the […]

Board to Audit Five Forest Companies in the Sunshine Coast Forest District

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest practices of International Forest Products (Interfor), Terminal Forest Products, Northwest Hardwoods, F.A.B. Logging Co. Ltd., and 9096 Investments Ltd. in the Sunshine Coast Forest District. The companies’ operations are located throughout the Sunshine Coast Forest District—from north of Powell River to south of Sechelt on […]