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Approval of Logging in Government Creek Watershed Set Aside

Victoria – Government approval of logging in a contentious area of the Queen Charlotte Islands has been set aside, as a result of an appeal brought by the Forest Practices Board. “This decision demonstrates that the public can hold government decision-makers accountable under the Code. The Review Panel emphasizes the importance of public participation—as well […]

Issue #13 – Summer 2015

The Forest Practices Board is celebrating 20 years of service to the public and government of BC as the independent oversight of BC’s forest and range practices. The Board’s body of work is substantive and has contributed to better and more consistent practices, compliance and regulatory performance. Independent oversight is good public policy—it builds accountability, […]

Fuel reduction efforts examined

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will investigate how much progress communities have made in reducing forest fuels in the wildland-urban interface. The investigation is a follow-up to a report the Board published in February 2010. “We decided earlier this year that it was time to take a look and see what has happened since […]

Issue #14 – Winter 2015/16

Over its 20 years, the Forest Practices Board has published some 500 audits, investigations and special reports; a few of which, for one reason or another, have ended up being controversial. This past summer, the Forest Stewardship Plans Need Improvement special investigation (FSP) was one of those few reports. It garnered accolades from some for […]

Woodlots near Kaslo and Creston pass forestry audit

VICTORIA – An audit of forestry activities on two woodlots in the Selkirk Natural Resource District concludes that the woodlot licensees complied with B.C.’s forestry legislation, according to a report released today. “These woodlots are a mix of Crown and privately owned land and the woodlot licensees must comply with the Forest and Range Practices […]