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Invasive Plants a Threat to B.C. Ecosystems

VICTORIA – Non-native, invasive plants, such as broom and knapweed, pose a growing threat to the native ecosystems in the province, according to a Forest Practices Board special report released today. The report states that progress toward co-ordination of invasive plant control has been made in recent years, but much more needs to be done […]

Road Deactivation and Impacts to Fish Habitat near Kelowna

In November 2017, the Forest Practices Board received a complaint from a member of the public alleging that culverts at stream crossings on a section of forest road were removed and the channels filled with dirt, causing harm to fish and damage to fish habitat. The complaint also alleges that, despite reporting the situation to […]

Wildfire Management Plans Step in the Right Direction

An investigation into the state of fire management planning has found that fire management plans have been prepared in all forest districts in the province, and that they provide the basic information needed to help plan a response to a wildfire, according to a report released today.

Four woodlots near Clearwater pass forestry audit

VICTORIA – An audit of forestry activities on four woodlots near Clearwater, B.C., concludes the woodlot owners complied with B.C.’s forestry legislation, according to a report released today. “These woodlots are a mix of Crown and private-owned land and the woodlot owners must comply with the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire Act […]