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Issue #19 – Summer 2018

I am very pleased to have been appointed the Chair of the Forest Practices Board. For more than 30 years, I have worked in the field of natural resources management in BC, and in that time the Board has become a highly respected voice for sound forest and range practices.  I have admired the Board […]

Changes needed to B.C.’s forest practices legislation

VICTORIA – In a new report released today, the Forest Practices Board is recommending that government make a number of improvements to the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA). These improvements all have been recommended in previous board reports, but government has never implemented the recommendations. “The board believes these changes are necessary to improve stewardship of […]

Forest Practices Board Releases Annual Report for 2006-07 fiscal year

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board’s 2006/2007 annual report was released today. The annual report details the board’s key findings during the past fiscal year, and provides a picture of the diversity of forest and range issues examined by the board on a yearly basis. The board’s primary role is to assess how well forest […]