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Good audit results for two Okanagan community watersheds

VICTORIA – Results of an audit focused on forestry practices in two community watersheds, one near Penticton and one near Kelowna, were released today by the Forest Practices Board. Auditors examined harvesting, road construction and maintenance, silviculture, protection, and associated planning carried out by Weyerhaeuser in the Penticton Creek community watershed, and by Tolko Industries […]

Planting problem found in Quesnel area audit

VICTORIA – An audit of BC Timber Sales’ operations near Quesnel found most planning and forestry activities complied with forest practices legislation. However, the audit identified eight cutblocks that were planted with seedlings not meant for those areas. “This contravenes the government’s limits for the transfer of seed between areas,” said board chair Bruce Fraser. […]

Zandbelt appointed to Forest Practices Board

VICTORIA – Vernon forestry consultant Debbie Zandbelt has been appointed to the Forest Practices Board. Zandbelt, a professional forester, has worked in government, industry and consulting in both B.C. and Alberta. Zandbelt is currently working primarily in the areas of professional forestry guidance, timber appraisals and silviculture. She chairs the Association of BC Forest Professionals […]