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Fort St. James woodlots get mixed audit results

Planning and forestry activities on three of six audited woodlots fully complied with legal requirements, according to the audit reports released today. However, three licensees did not meet required reporting commitments and one also did not comply with some reforestation obligations.

McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest receives good audit

VICTORIA – An audit of the McLeod Lake Mackenzie community forest in the Mackenzie Natural Resource District has found compliance with B.C.’s forestry legislation. The community forest is jointly managed by the District of Mackenzie and the McLeod Lake Indian Band. “We are pleased to see that the community forest carried out sound forest practices and […]

Audit finds Canfor did not comply with bridge maintenance legislation

VICTORIA – An audit of Canadian Forest Products Ltd. (Canfor) found 10 bridges that were not maintained as required by the Forest and Range Practices Act. However, Canfor’s road maintenance and silviculture activities all complied with the act. “There are standards in the Forest Planning and Practices Regulation that licence holders must meet to ensure bridges […]