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Marbled murrelet habitat needed better protection

VICTORIA -A review panel has reversed a Ministry of Forests district manager’s approval of a cutblock in North Jervis Inlet that contains valuable marbled murrelet habitat after an appeal of the decision by the Forest Practices Board. Following a request from the Sunshine Coast Conservation Association in August, the board asked the review panel to […]

Fort St. James Community Forest Audit Finds Issues

VICTORIA – An audit of Community Forest Agreement CFA K1D has found that, while the Fort St. James Community Forest Corporation met many of the requirements of provincial forestry legislation, it also had some problems with operational planning, culvert construction, bridge construction and fire hazard assessments, according to a report released today. “While the auditors […]

Forest Enterprise Program Gets Clean Audit

The Robson Valley forest district’s small business forest enterprise program complied with Forest Practices Code requirements in all significant respects, says a report released today by the Forest Practices Board.

Board to audit Carrier Lumber licence takeovers in Robson Valley

VICTORIA–Carrier Lumber’s road and bridge maintenance and silviculture obligations on two recently purchased licences in the Robson Valley will be audited by the Forest Practices Board next week. Carrier took over the two largest licences (A15430 and A15429) in the Robson Valley when the previous holders closed operations due to financial problems. The four-person audit […]