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Yun Ka Whu’ten Holdings Ltd. gets good audit result

VICTORIA – A limited scope audit, in which harvesting, road activities and associated planning were examined, has found good forest practices by Yun Ka Whu’ten Holdings Ltd., according to a Forest Practices Board report released today. Yun Ka Whu’ten’s licence allows it to harvest 150,000 cubic metres of pine-beetle-killed timber per year. The licence is […]

Northern Engineered Wood Products gets good audit

VICTORIA – An audit of Northern Engineered Wood Products’ (NEWP) non-renewable forest licence A85566 found the company met all requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire Act, according to a new report. “Our audit found that all activities met the legal requirements,” said Kevin Kriese, chair of the Forest Practices Board. […]

Dunkley Lumber Slows Mountain Pine Beetle Spread

A Quesnel-area forest company is getting high marks from the Forest Practices Board for the way it managed mountain pine beetle, and for the light footprint it left on a recently-audited operating area

Pine beetle logging takes mostly pine, study says

VICTORIA – All additional harvesting allowed by the Ministry of Forests and Range to deal with the current mountain pine beetle infestation has been directed at pine, according to a Forest Practices Board report released today. “The increase in the allowable annual cut to deal with the mountain pine beetle epidemic has raised concerns about […]

Forest licensees and ranchers need to work together

VICTORIA – An investigation of how well forestry operators maintain natural range barriers has found room for improvements, according to a report released today. The board concludes that forestry operators and ranchers need to work co-operatively where forest and range tenures exist on the same land base. Standing timber can act as a natural barrier […]