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Forest Service Roads in Skeena Stikine area get good audit

VICTORIA – A Forest Practices Board audit report released today says that wilderness forest service roads, including bridges and major culverts, in the Bulkley, Kispiox, and Cranberry Timber Supply Areas around Smithers and Hazelton, are being appropriately managed. The audit was focused on forest service roads managed solely by the Ministry of Forest and Range’s […]

Government addressing New Skeena obligations on Nisga’a Lands

VICTORIA – The provincial government is making good progress in addressing significant non-compliance by New Skeena Forest Products on Nisga’a lands, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The board’s fifth audit of forest planning and practices on Nisga’a lands found that all licensees apart from New Skeena were compliant with Forest Practices Code and Nisga’a […]

Logging Approval Overturned For Over 50 North Coast Cutblocks

Victoria – A review panel has upheld a request by the Forest Practices Board to overturn government approval of over 50 cutblocks in the north Coast area. This Forest Practices Code decision affects International Forest Products (Interfor) operations in a forest licence in the Scotia Creek area east of Prince Rupert and around Surf Inlet […]

Approval of Logging in Government Creek Watershed Set Aside

Victoria – Government approval of logging in a contentious area of the Queen Charlotte Islands has been set aside, as a result of an appeal brought by the Forest Practices Board. “This decision demonstrates that the public can hold government decision-makers accountable under the Code. The Review Panel emphasizes the importance of public participation—as well […]

Policy Review Required to Protect Marbled Murrelets

A review of government policy on protecting wildlife habitat and more collaboration between government and industry are needed to protect the threatened marbled murrelet, the Forest Practices Board reported today.

Forest Practices Board appeals Brooks Bay Plan

The Forest Practices Board has filed an appeal of MacMillan Bloedel’s forest development plan for the Brooks Bay area of northwestern Vancouver Island. The Board is asking the Forest Appeals Commission to decide if the plan meets the requirements of the Forest Practices Code. A review panel decided in November that the Brooks Bay plan […]

Forest Practices Board requests administrative review of plan

On September 11, 1996 the Forest Practices Board requested an administrative review of the forest development plan for the Brooks Bay development area of MacMillan Bloedel’s Port McNeill Division on northwestern Vancouver Island. The development plan includes logging operations and associated roads in five cutblocks scheduled for 1996 and 1997. Three of the cutblocks are […]