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Planting problem found in Quesnel area audit

VICTORIA – An audit of BC Timber Sales’ operations near Quesnel found most planning and forestry activities complied with forest practices legislation. However, the audit identified eight cutblocks that were planted with seedlings not meant for those areas. “This contravenes the government’s limits for the transfer of seed between areas,” said board chair Bruce Fraser. […]

B.C. needs new planning process for forestry

VICTORIA – In a new report, the Forest Practices Board recommends that government adopt a tactical forest planning process to direct forestry operations on Crown land. “For more than 20 years, the board has called for improved planning and objectives at the landscape and watershed scales,” said Kevin Kriese, chair, Forest Practices Board. “Recent board […]

Board to audit two non-replaceable forest licences in Cariboo-Chilcotin

VICTORIA– Two non-replaceable forest licences, A56805, held by Yun Ka Whu’ten Holdings Ltd., and A73558, held by Sigurdson Bros. Logging Company Ltd., will be audited the week of Oct. 9, 2007. The Yun Ka Whu’ten Holdings operations are located in the vicinity of Anahim Lake, which is about 200 kilometres west of Alexis Creek and […]

Two Fraser Valley Woodlots Investigated by Forest Practices Board

VICTORIA – Investigations of two woodlots in Maple Ridge for forest management practices, following complaints from the public, have now been completed, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The investigation of the 276-hectare BCIT Forest Society woodlot near Kanaka Creek concluded that the woodlot’s streamside management, and erosion and sediment control activities are appropriate. The […]

Board urges cautious management of Haida Gwaii goshawks

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board is urging cautious management of northern goshawk habitat on Haida Gwaii, to allow time for ongoing planning processes to address goshawk management. Goshawks are large hawks that depend upon mature forests for nesting. They feed on a variety of larger birds and mammals, such as red squirrels, blue grouse […]

Canfor gets clean audit for Chetwynd forest license

Canadian Forest Products Ltd. (Canfor) has demonstrated sound forest practices in Forest Licence (FL) A18151 and is fully compliant with forest practices legislation, the Forest Practices Board reported today.