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Harvest Planning for Ecosystem Based Management on Haida Gwaii

The Forest Practices Board received a complaint about compliance of planning and practices under the Haida Gwaii Land Use Objectives Order by British Columbia Timber Sales. The complainant identified cutblocks in the Naikoon landscape unit and was specifically concerned about sustainable stewardship of cedar, watershed level hydrological processes, and landscape level conservation of biodiversity. The […]

Logging and Visual Quality near Lillooet

The Board investigated a complaint from a community group about the potential visual impacts of a licensee’s planned logging near Lillooet.  This area has visual quality objectives (VQOs), and the licensee’s forest stewardship plan contained results and strategies to meet these objectives.  The complainant was concerned that planned logging would not meet the VQOs, and […]

Issue #8 – Winter 2012/13

“Social licence” is a term used to describe the general approval society gives to industries operating  on public lands. The extent to which social licence exists depends  upon the public’s confidence that industries will follow the rules, act responsibly, and generate more public benefit than harm. The Board believes that independent  oversight is an important and cost-effective method for fostering […]