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Weldwood Undergoes Forest Practices Audit

Victoria – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of Forest Licence A20017, held by Weldwood of Canada Ltd. The operating area for this licence is located in the Williams Lake timber supply area, between 150 Mile House and McCleese Lake and bordered on the east by Likely and Horsefly. This […]

Riverside Forest Products Lumby Division gets clean audit by Forest Practices Board

Victoria – A clean audit of Riverside Forest Products, Lumby Division was released today by the Forest Practices Board. “The instances of non-compliance with the Forest Practices Code identified in this audit were few in number and minor in nature,” said board vice-chair Keith Moore. “Riverside’s harvesting practices close to very small streams provided more […]

Board to audit BCTS operations in Kootenay Lake Timber Supply Area

VICTORIA– Forest Practices Board auditors will audit British Columbia Timber Sales (BCTS) operations in the Kootenay Lake Timber Supply Area (TSA) for approximately one week starting June 25, 2007. BCTS is an independent organization, within the Ministry of Forests and Range, created to develop Crown timber for auction. Auditors will examine operational planning; timber harvesting; […]

Issue #14 – Winter 2015/16

Over its 20 years, the Forest Practices Board has published some 500 audits, investigations and special reports; a few of which, for one reason or another, have ended up being controversial. This past summer, the Forest Stewardship Plans Need Improvement special investigation (FSP) was one of those few reports. It garnered accolades from some for […]

Board tests use of certification audit results

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will try a new approach this month when it audits some of Pope & Talbot’s forest operations in the West Kootenays, incorporating results from an earlier independent forest certification audit in an effort to save time and costs. The audit of Tree Farm Licence 23, operated out of Pope […]