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Windthrow Management on Vancouver Island Recognized in Audit

VICTORIA – Western Forest Products Inc. received a clean audit for operations in Tree Farm Licence 6 on northern Vancouver Island, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The board audited Western’s timber harvesting and associated planning activities for 159 cutblocks on the northern portion of Vancouver Island, and found Western was in compliance with legislative […]

Board to audit forestry operations in Clayoquot Sound area

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit forest practices of Ma-Mook Natural Resources Ltd., on Tree Farm Licence 54 (TFL 54), starting July 19, 2011. The audit will examine operational planning, harvesting, roads and bridges, silviculture and fire protection activities for compliance with forest practices legislation. TFL 54 is located in the South Island […]

Audit of TFL 54 on South Island finds issues

An audit of MaMook Natural Resources Limited’s practices on Tree Farm Licence 54 on Vancouver Island found it met most requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire Act, according to a report released today.

Reforesting Amendments Appropriate, Board finds

VICTORIA – Forest companies are making reasonable and appropriate amendments to their free-growing strategies, the Forest Practices Board reported today. Following the logging of public land, forest companies are required to reforest sites with native tree species to establish a new crop of trees. The companies are then required to tend those trees for a […]