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Board Conducts First Area-Based Audit

Victoria – The Forest Practices Board will conduct its first area-based audit this summer in the Fort Nelson forest district. “Until now our audit program has focused on single licensees or government forestry programs,” said Bill Cafferata, Forest Practices Board chair. “This audit will examine all the licences in an area to give us a […]

Forest Practices Board Chair Speaks to American Buyers about Forestry Practices

Victoria – Today, the Chair of the BC Forest Practices Board is speaking in San Francisco at a forum on Sourcing Environmentally Responsible Forest Products. The event will be attended by executives of some large US corporations, including Xerox, Starbucks and Levi Strauss. Keith Moore was invited to speak at this event to give the […]

Audit Finds Good Forest Practices in Quesnel Area

Forestry operators are carrying out good forest practices in the Quesnel area, but government’s enforcement of the Forest Practices Code could be improved, the Forest Practices Board reported today.

Soil conservation practices effective in Golden Timber Supply Area

VICTORIA – A pilot audit has found that forest practices were effective at conserving forest soils in the Golden Timber Supply Area of the Columbia Forest District, according to a Forest Practices Board report released today. The audit, which started in July 2006, examined three operators – Wood River Forest Inc. (now called Downie Timber Ltd.), […]

Lack of coordination puts deer habitat at risk

VICTORIA – Poor communication among government agencies led to approval of logging plans that put mule deer winter habitat at risk, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The board investigated a complaint by a group of property-owners at Anderson Lake, between Pemberton and Lillooet. The complainants were concerned that logging on Crown land south of […]