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Lignum Ltd.’s Forestry Operations Get Clean Audit From Forest Practices Board

VICTORIA – Lignum Ltd.’s operations near 100 Mile House are complying with the Forest Practices Code, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today. “Lignum’s practices complied with the code in all significant respects,” said board chair Keith Moore. “The audit did not identify any non-compliance in timber harvesting, road maintenance and road deactivation. […]

Changes needed to B.C.’s forest practices legislation

VICTORIA – In a new report released today, the Forest Practices Board is recommending that government make a number of improvements to the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA). These improvements all have been recommended in previous board reports, but government has never implemented the recommendations. “The board believes these changes are necessary to improve stewardship of […]

Logging road put caribou at risk

A Forest Practices Board special investigation has found that the approval of a logging road by the Ministry of Forests did not adequately consider risks to a vulnerable caribou herd.

Review of government’s forest practices monitoring released

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board has released a new report on monitoring of forest practices: A Special Report on the Forest and Range Evaluation Program. The board examined the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development’s program, created as part of the implementation of the 2004 Forest and Range Practices Act, and finds the […]

Bridge maintenance key to public safety

Victoria – Those who build logging roads in the public forests need to make sure they’re inspecting and maintaining their bridges, says a report released today by the Forest Practices Board. The report calls on forest companies and the forest ministry to ensure their inspection and maintenance programs are up-to-date and repairs are undertaken, consistent […]