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Board to audit forest licence in Houston area

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will examine the activities of Northern Engineered Wood Products on non-renewable forest licence A85566 in the Nadina Natural Resource District during the week of July 23, 2019. Auditors will examine whether harvesting, roads, silviculture, fire protection and associated planning, carried out by Northern Engineered Wood Products between July 1, […]

Forestry Watchdog Says Government Needs to Protect Environmental Resources

Victoria – The Forest Practices Code has produced good results in improving site-specific forest practices, particularly those dealing with roads and cutblocks around the province. But important Forest Practices Code provisions intended to protect wildlife, biodiversity, recreation and scenery have still not been implemented. This is the main message of the 1999 Annual Report of […]

Forest Practices Board releases its first coastal audit

The Forest Practices Board today released the report for its first audit on the coast – an audit of the road and timber harvesting practices on Tree Farm Licence 45 held by International Forest Products Ltd. The licence is located in the coastal mainland area north of Campbell River. The audit examined the road and […]