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Forest Practices Board Fights For Right To Release Audit

Victoria – The Forest Practices Board announced today that it will oppose an application to prevent it from issuing its audit report about Northwood Inc.’s forest practices near Houston, B.C. On Dec.21, Northwood will ask the Court of Appeal to prohibit release of the board report until the court decides the company’s appeal of a […]

Forest Practices Board appeals Brooks Bay Plan

The Forest Practices Board has filed an appeal of MacMillan Bloedel’s forest development plan for the Brooks Bay area of northwestern Vancouver Island. The Board is asking the Forest Appeals Commission to decide if the plan meets the requirements of the Forest Practices Code. A review panel decided in November that the Brooks Bay plan […]

Marbled murrelet habitat needed better protection

VICTORIA -A review panel has reversed a Ministry of Forests district manager’s approval of a cutblock in North Jervis Inlet that contains valuable marbled murrelet habitat after an appeal of the decision by the Forest Practices Board. Following a request from the Sunshine Coast Conservation Association in August, the board asked the review panel to […]