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Sunshine Coast forest plan drops community values

VICTORIA –A new forest stewardship plan in the Stillwater lands on the Sunshine Coast no longer addresses the full range of values that were determined through public input and involvement, according to a newly released Forest Practices Board report. “Given the effort that members of the public put into the Stillwater Pilot Project, they reasonably […]

New Chair Appointed To The Forest Practices Board

March 9, 2010 Ministry of Forests and Range VICTORIA – Al Gorley will assume the role of chair of the Forest Practices Board effective May 1, 2010, Forests and Range Minister Pat Bell announced today. “The Forest Practices Board serves as the public’s watchdog on forest practices in British Columbia,” said Bell. “I’m confident that […]

Audit of Plateau Forest Products’ Forestry Operations Released

VICTORIA – Plateau Forest Products’ operations in the Vanderhoof area are generally complying with the Forest Practices Code, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today. “Plateau’s forest practices complied with the Code in all significant respects, with the exception of a number of small streams that were incorrectly classified,” said Board Chair, Keith […]

A&A Trading Ltd. and Terminal Forest Products Ltd. receive good audit

VICTORIA – An audit of A&A Trading Ltd. and Terminal Forest Products Ltd. on forest licence A19229 has found both companies met the requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire Act, according to a Forest Practices Board report. “The board is pleased to see that A&A is fully meeting all of its legal […]