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Forest Practices Board Audits Canfor’s Forest Licence A40873

Victoria – Today, the Forest Practices Board began an audit of Forest Licence A40873, held by Canadian Forest Products Ltd. (Canfor). The audit will examine the Fort St. James division of this licence. The operating areas for this division are located near Fort St. James, northwest in the Takla Lake area and east towards Highway […]

Audit in Northwest BC Finds Mixed Results

The results of an audit of the forestry activities of six licensees, five woodlot tenure operators and the Kispiox Forest District’s small business forest enterprise program and district-manager obligations were released today.

Government addressing New Skeena obligations on Nisga’a Lands

VICTORIA – The provincial government is making good progress in addressing significant non-compliance by New Skeena Forest Products on Nisga’a lands, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The board’s fifth audit of forest planning and practices on Nisga’a lands found that all licensees apart from New Skeena were compliant with Forest Practices Code and Nisga’a […]

Forest Practices Board to Audit West Fraser Mills’ Tree Farm License

Victoria – Today, the Forest Practices Board began an audit of Tree Farm Licence 41, held by West Fraser Mills Ltd. and managed by the company’s Terrace office. The operating area for this licence includes the upper Kitimat Valley, the Douglas Channel to Hawkesbury Island and the Devastation Channel area. The audit will examine recent […]

Board to Audit Dunkley Lumber Ltd.

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of Dunkley Lumber Ltd. near Strathnaver beginning next week. The audit will look at Dunkley Lumber’s operations on Tree Farm Licence 53, about 80 kilometres south of Prince George and 40 kilometres north of Quesnel, just east of Highway 97. TFL 53 […]