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Board to Audit Revelstoke Community Forest Corporation

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of Revelstoke Community Forest Corporation beginning next week. The audit will look at the corporation’s operations on Tree Farm Licence 56, about one hour north of Revelstoke. TFL 56 consists of about 120,000 hectares in the Downie Creek and Goldstream River drainages, […]

Forest Practices Board Releases Results of an Audit of West Fraser Mills Ltd.

VICTORIA – West Fraser Mills Ltd. is meeting the Forest Practices Code requirements, except that its forest development plan did not include a strategy to address the risk from mountain pine beetle infestations, according to a Forest Practices Board audit that was released today. While the company did not comply with a Code requirement to […]

Creston Valley Forest Corporation responds to board audit

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board today released the results of an audit of forest practices carried out by the Creston Valley Forest Corporation between June 2007 and June 2008 in the West Kootenay, near Creston. Auditors examined planning, harvesting, road construction and road maintenance to verify whether the corporation followed the Forest and Range […]

Closing Letter: Post Creek

The complaint lists a number of issues and includes a request that the cutblocks proposed by Tamihi Logging Co. Ltd. (…