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Recent audits reveal Wildfire Act Issues

VICTORIA – A review of forest and range practice audits from 2013 and 2014 finds about half the audits had no issues and half had non-compliance with legislation or areas requiring improvement, according to a report released today. Of the problems found, one-third involved problems with wildfire prevention. “We published 23 audit reports and 12 […]

Forest Fuels a Burning Issue for Interior BC, Report Finds

VICTORIA – Forest fuel reduction needs to become a priority consideration in forest management policy and practices, especially in the Southern Interior of the province, according to a special report released today. The Forest Practices Board commissioned a report on forest fuel management last summer and gathered comment on the report from forest management professionals, […]

Interfor Gets Clean Audit in Clayoquot

The forestry operations of International Forest Products Ltd. (Interfor) in Clayoquot Sound on Vancouver Island complied with the Forest Practices Code in all significant respects, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today.

Watchdog tests new approach to auditing effectiveness of forest practices

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board has successfully tested new tools to audit the effectiveness of forest practices in maintaining biodiversity and other important forest values, according to two new board reports released today. The first report addresses the testing of criteria and indicators to evaluate the maintenance of biodiversity – probably the most difficult […]

Public Request for Copy of Forestry Plan

Public Request for Copy of Forestry Plan
This investigation is about the adequacy of the public review and comment opportunity for Pope and Talbot’s (the…