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Western Toads and Forest Harvesting near Summit Lake

The Valhalla Wilderness Association complained to the Board that forest practices undertaken by the Nakusp and Area Community Forest (NACFOR) near Summit Lake is impacting western toad habitat and causing direct mortality to the toads. In its investigation, the Board considered current research being undertaken at Summit lake into the life cycle and habitat requirements […]

Closing Letter: Post Creek

The complaint lists a number of issues and includes a request that the cutblocks proposed by Tamihi Logging Co. Ltd. (…

Logging and Visual Quality near Lillooet

The Board investigated a complaint from a community group about the potential visual impacts of a licensee’s planned logging near Lillooet.  This area has visual quality objectives (VQOs), and the licensee’s forest stewardship plan contained results and strategies to meet these objectives.  The complainant was concerned that planned logging would not meet the VQOs, and […]

Closing Letter – Planning Harvesting to Maintain Landscape-Level Biodiversity Values

In February, 2017, the Forest Practices Board received a complaint from the Lhtako Dene First Nation asserting that planned harvesting in two landscape units by Tolko Industries Ltd. will impact moose populations and landscape-level biodiversity in their Traditional Territory. The Lhtako Dene also said that communication with Tolko has been difficult and that they did […]

Forestry Activities in the Peachland and Trepanier Creek Community Watersheds

In November 2017, the Forest Practices Board received a complaint about impacts to water quality in the Peachland and Trepanier community watersheds. The complainants asserted that forestry activities in the watersheds have negatively affected the quality of drinking water and increased the number of boil water advisory notices, resulted in stream bank erosion and caused […]