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Board to audit BCTS operations in Kootenay Lake Timber Supply Area

VICTORIA– Forest Practices Board auditors will audit British Columbia Timber Sales (BCTS) operations in the Kootenay Lake Timber Supply Area (TSA) for approximately one week starting June 25, 2007. BCTS is an independent organization, within the Ministry of Forests and Range, created to develop Crown timber for auction. Auditors will examine operational planning; timber harvesting; […]

Audit of Forest Planning and Practices: Husby Forest Products Ltd. – FL A16869

In August 2016 the Forest Practices Board audited the activities of Husby ‘s Forest Licence A16869 in the Haida Gwaii Natural Resource District. Husby is part of the Husby Group, a privately held forest products company with operations mainly located on Haida Gwaii. The licence permits it to harvest 192,044 cubic metres of timber each […]

Water protection subject of audit in Okanagan Shuswap Forest District

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit how well forest and range practices in the Vernon and Oyama Creek community watersheds are protecting water quality, beginning October 18. The forest practices of Tolko Industries Ltd, BC Timber Sales and the Ministry of Forests and Range’s small scale salvage program, as well as range practices […]

BC Timber Sales in Arrow Lakes passes audit

VICTORIA – An audit of BC Timber Sales (BCTS) and timber sale licence (TSL) holders in the Arrow Field Unit of the Kootenay Business Area found general compliance with B.C.’s forestry legislation, according to a report. “BCTS complied with requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire Act; however, auditors found that […]

Board to audit Qwa’eet Forest Products

Victoria – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of Qwa’eet Forest Products near Merritt this summer. The audit will look at Qwa’eet’s operations on Forest Licence A55525, north of the Nicola River and Merritt and in drainages south of Merritt. Auditors will examine operational planning, harvesting, roads, silviculture and fire […]

New forest stewardship plans need more details, improved accountability

VICTORIA – The first forest stewardship plans (FSPs) under new results-based forestry legislation lack clear results, and make it difficult for the public and government to hold forest companies accountable, according to a Forest Practices Board special report released today. The board reviewed 15 of the first FSPs submitted by forest companies under the Forest […]