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Independent study finds B.C.’s forests are regenerating very well

Victoria – A Forest Practices Board study has found that forest licensees, government and forestry professionals have done an excellent job of ensuring most trees replanted in 6,488 cutblocks across the province are growing into healthy forests. Each year, more than 200 million seedlings are planted in B.C. Following the logging of public land, forest companies […]

Construction Activities On Logging Road Contributed To Slump Into A Stream

Victoria – Today, the Forest Practices Board released its report concluding its investigation of a complaint about a slump of soil material which flowed into an unnamed stream. The slump occurred on a newly constructed logging road approximately 45 kilometres northeast of Terrace BC. The road, known as Fiddler Main Road, was built by Skeena […]

Four New Members Appointed to the Forest Practices Board

Victoria – Four new members were appointed to the Forest Practices Board by the government on March 10th. Ingrid Davis, Mark Haddock, Liz Osborn and Fred Parker were appointed to the Board for three-year terms. They join existing Board Chair, Keith Moore, and members John Cuthbert, Klaus Offermann and Frances Vyse. “I am very pleased […]

Board to audit government forestry operations in Squamish

VICTORIA -The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of the Ministry of Forests small business forest enterprise program in the Squamish forest district this fall. The audit will look at the program’s operations near Harrison Lake, Squamish, Pemberton, Boulder Creek and in Tree Farm Licence 38 on the western edge of […]

Bridges only issue in Ainsworth audit

Bridges only issue in Ainsworth audit Ainsworth Lumber Company Ltd. is generally complying with the Forest Practices Code but needs to pay more attention to keeping logging road bridges in good order, says a report released today by the Forest Practices Board.