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Forestry activities near Mackenzie under audit

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will examine the activities of Chu Cho Industries LP on non-replaceable forest licence A62375, during the week of Oct. 3, 2016. Chu Cho Industries operates under the Economic Development Corporation of the Tsay Keh Dene Nation. The auditors will examine operational planning, harvesting, roads, bridges, silviculture, and wildfire protection […]

Audit of Forest Planning and Practices: Tumbler Ridge Community Forest Corp. – Community Forest Agreement K2O

This was a full scope compliance audit with a two-year timeframe from September 1, 2014, and September 27, 2016.  Community Forest Agreement K2O is held by the Tumbler Ridge Community Forest Corp. The operational planning, timber harvesting, road construction, deactivation and maintenance, silviculture, or fire protection activities carried out by Tumbler Ridge Community Forest Corp. […]

Audit near Dawson Creek finds soil, water protected

VICTORIA – An audit of cattle grazing, forest harvesting and road construction and maintenance practices on Crown land in the Kiskatinaw River watershed found that legal requirements to conserve soils and protect water quality were met, according to a report released today. The audit examined forestry, oil and gas, and range operations in the Kiskatinaw […]

Forest licence in Squamish Forest District receives clean audit

VICTORIA – An audit of a forest licence currently held by Terminal Forest Products Limited found that planning and practices met all legislative requirements, according to a Forest Practices Board report released today. The board examined activities in forest licence A19215 for compliance with legislation, and looked at harvesting, roads, silviculture, protection activities and associated planning […]

Stuwix Ltd. Receives Clean Audit

VICTORIA – A Forest Practices Board audit released today found that the operations of Stuwix Resources Ltd., in the Cascades Forest District, have fully met the requirements of forest practices legislation. “The board is pleased to find that Stuwix Resources Ltd. received a clean audit while harvesting beetle infested trees,” said board chair Bruce Fraser. […]

Lignum Ltd.’s Forestry Operations Get Clean Audit From Forest Practices Board

VICTORIA – Lignum Ltd.’s operations near 100 Mile House are complying with the Forest Practices Code, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today. “Lignum’s practices complied with the code in all significant respects,” said board chair Keith Moore. “The audit did not identify any non-compliance in timber harvesting, road maintenance and road deactivation. […]

Pine beetle logging takes mostly pine, study says

VICTORIA – All additional harvesting allowed by the Ministry of Forests and Range to deal with the current mountain pine beetle infestation has been directed at pine, according to a Forest Practices Board report released today. “The increase in the allowable annual cut to deal with the mountain pine beetle epidemic has raised concerns about […]

Investigation concludes wood waste properly accounted for

VICTORIA – A Forest Practices Board investigation into a complaint about how wood waste is measured and reported after timber harvesting shows that a government wood waste accounting system is being implemented appropriately, with the primary purpose of ensuring government receives payment for wood harvested. “Poor markets and the rising value of the Canadian dollar […]