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Provincial Systems Fail to Protect Threatened Species

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board has found that there is a systemic failure in government policy to protect threatened species such as marbled murrelets on crown forest lands. The findings were released as the close of a board investigation of a 1999 complaint concerning logging approvals in the Brand Valley on south-western Vancouver Island, […]

Board to audit Western Forest Products Inc.

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will examine the activities of Western Forest Products Inc. on tree farm licence 39, in the Campbell River Natural Resource District, during the week of July 23, 2018. Auditors will examine whether harvesting, roads, silviculture, fire protection and associated planning, carried out between July 1, 2017, and July 27, 2018, met […]

Board to audit forestry activities west of Quesnel

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will examine the activities of Pacific Bioenergy Timber Corp. and RPP Holdings Inc. in the Quesnel district, during the week of June 22, 2015. The auditors will examine all operational planning, harvesting, roads, silviculture, and wildfire protection practices carried out over the last two years for compliance with the […]

Board to audit BCTS operations near Hazelton

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit forest practices of the BC Timber Sales Program in the Skeena Stikine Forest District from June 15 to 20. The audit will examine timber harvesting, roads, silviculture, fire protection activities, and associated planning, conducted by timber sale licence holders and BCTS, for compliance with forest practices legislation. […]

Board to audit forest licence near Powell River

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will examine the activities of A&A Trading Ltd. (A&A) and Terminal Forest Products Ltd. (Terminal) on forest licence A19229, in the Sunshine Coast Natural Resource District, during the week of July 9, 2018. Auditors will examine whether harvesting, roads, silviculture, fire protection and associated planning, carried out by A&A and […]

Canfor gets clean audit for Chetwynd forest license

Canadian Forest Products Ltd. (Canfor) has demonstrated sound forest practices in Forest Licence (FL) A18151 and is fully compliant with forest practices legislation, the Forest Practices Board reported today.

Planting problem found in Quesnel area audit

VICTORIA – An audit of BC Timber Sales’ operations near Quesnel found most planning and forestry activities complied with forest practices legislation. However, the audit identified eight cutblocks that were planted with seedlings not meant for those areas. “This contravenes the government’s limits for the transfer of seed between areas,” said board chair Bruce Fraser. […]