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Two woodlots near Quesnel pass forestry audits

VICTORIA – Planning and forestry activities on two woodlots in the Quesnel Forest District, in central British Columbia, met all legal requirements, according to an audit of their operations released today. “Both woodlots have been in existence for over 10 years and are managed by individuals,” said board chair Bruce Fraser. “We’re pleased to find […]

Old-growth protection in place, but faces challenges

An investigation into the state of old-growth forest retention in the province has concluded that, while old growth retention objectives are being implemented, government needs to track retention areas, and evaluate whether or not they are actually effective in protecting biodiversity.

Annual report for 2018-19 released

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board has released its annual report for the fiscal year 2018-19, providing an overview of the board’s performance and work from April 2018 to March 2019. Each year, the board randomly selects forestry operations for audit. In 2018, it published the results of 15 audits. “Our auditors evaluate whether forest […]

B.C. needs new planning process for forestry

VICTORIA – In a new report, the Forest Practices Board recommends that government adopt a tactical forest planning process to direct forestry operations on Crown land. “For more than 20 years, the board has called for improved planning and objectives at the landscape and watershed scales,” said Kevin Kriese, chair, Forest Practices Board. “Recent board […]

Government leadership needed to manage safety risks after forest fires

VICTORIA – The provincial government should clarify responsibility and accountability for evaluating hazards and managing risks to public safety after forest fires, the Forest Practices Board repored today. Once a wildfire is extinguished, most people believe the danger has passed. However, wildfire-related hazards, such as landslides and flooding, can occur months or even years after […]

Co-operation Key to Survival of Coastal Forest Ecosystem

VICTORIA – An investigation report released today upholds a public complaint about proposed logging in a rare forest type near Nanoose Bay on Vancouver Island. Local residents filed a complaint with the board when they discovered about one-third of the 64-hectare parcel of coastal Douglas-fir forest, known as DL 33, was slated to be logged, […]

Board to audit BCTS operations near Clearwater

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will examine the activities of the BC Timber Sales (BCTS) program and timber sale licence holders in the Clearwater Field Unit portion of the BCTS Kamloops Business Area during the week of June 3, 2019. Auditors will examine whether harvesting, roads, bridges, silviculture, fire protection activities and associated planning […]