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Timber Salvage Harvesting and Fisher Management in the Nazko Area

Two trappers in the Nazko Area, near Quesnel complained to the Board that logging practices to salvage mountain pine beetle killed pine trees have removed fisher habitat on their trapline. They claim habitat loss will affect their livelihood and were concerned that salvage operations were not being managed to maintain fisher and other wildlife habitats. […]

Road Maintenance at Little Cayuse Creek

A landowner complained that Interfor Corporation (Interfor) was not maintaining its roads and caused landslides into Little Cayuse Creek where he gets his water. He also asserted that government was not adequately enforcing Interfor’s maintenance requirements. The Board’s investigation determined that Interfor had not conducted adequate inspections to ensure no material adverse effect on forest […]

Plans for harvest near Nanoose Bay meet requirements

A Forest Practices Board complaint investigation report released today found that logging plans for a parcel of coastal Douglas-fir forest, known as District Lot 33, met, and in some cases exceeded, legislative requirements.