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Issue #26 – Winter 2022

Here in BC we didn’t want another reminder of our changing climate and its effects but we got it anyway… The floods of November 2021 will rank as one of the most costly natural disasters in Canadian history and the impacts will be with us for years to come. Water is a critical resource to […]

Oil and gas operators pass Wildfire Act audit

VICTORIA – An audit of Venturion Oil Limited, ARC Resources Ltd. and Tervita found the companies complied with requirements of the Wildfire Act in the Lower Beaton landscape unit, within the Peace District. Audited activities included mechanical land clearing for facility sites and right of ways, portable wood chipping, and maintenance of right of ways. […]

Investigation of forestry roads on steep slopes released

VICTORIA – An investigation of forestry roads constructed on steep terrain has found mixed results. While most of the road sections examined met the legal requirements, and some were very well done, others did not adhere to professional practice guidelines and several road sections were structurally unsafe, according to a report released today. The board […]

Protection of scenic views needs improvement

VICTORIA – An investigation of logging impacts on a prominent viewscape in Port Alberni has found that the viewscape was not adequately protected, and that government enforcement was inadequate, according to a report released today. “The board decided to look into the visual impacts of logging on a scenic viewscape in Port Alberni after board […]

Presentation to the Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry

On March 19 2018, Forest Practices Board staff presented before the Federal Senate Standing Committee on Agriculture and Forestry in Vancouver, providing input to the Committee’s study of the potential impact of climate change effects on the agriculture, agri-food and forestry sectors and actions to increase adaptation and reduce emissions. We had an hour with […]