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McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest receives good audit

VICTORIA – An audit of the McLeod Lake Mackenzie community forest in the Mackenzie Natural Resource District has found compliance with B.C.’s forestry legislation. The community forest is jointly managed by the District of Mackenzie and the McLeod Lake Indian Band. “We are pleased to see that the community forest carried out sound forest practices and […]

Board to audit forestry operations at ski resort near Quesnel

VICTORIA – The board will audit the forest practices of Troll Resort Ltd., starting Tuesday, Aug. 9, 2011. Troll Resort, a family-run business since 1971, is located in the Quesnel Forest District, 42 kilometres east of Quesnel, along Highway 26. Troll Resort is an integral part of the Quesnel community, providing summer and winter recreation […]

Forest Practices Board releases 2017-18 annual report

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board has released its 2017-18 annual report, which summarizes the board’s work over the past fiscal year and highlights its current projects. During the year, the board published 18 reports: eight complaint investigations, six audits, two special reports and one special investigation. Part of the board’s role is to receive […]

Issue #10 – Winter 2013/14

My thanks to all of you who’ve contributed to the Board’s success over the past year. The cooperation and feedback we receive goes a long way to making our work rewarding and helps us to continually adapt and improve. This will be my last message as Chair, and I want to express my appreciation for […]

Soil conservation practices effective in Golden Timber Supply Area

VICTORIA – A pilot audit has found that forest practices were effective at conserving forest soils in the Golden Timber Supply Area of the Columbia Forest District, according to a Forest Practices Board report released today. The audit, which started in July 2006, examined three operators – Wood River Forest Inc. (now called Downie Timber Ltd.), […]

New Members Appointed to the Board

VICTORIA – Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, Doug Donaldson, has announced the appointment of three new members to the Forest Practices Board. The Board is pleased to welcome members Tara Marsden and Rick Monchak and new vice-chair, Bruce Larson. Bruce is a professor and FRBC Chair of Silviculture in the […]

Board to audit TimberWest operations near Campbell River

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will examine the activities of TimberWest Forest Corporation on Tree Farm Licence 47 (TFL 47) during the week of Aug. 18, 2014. TFL 47 is located on northern Vancouver Island near Port McNeill, and on parts of the coastal mainland and islands in the Johnstone Strait. The audit will […]

Fuel reduction efforts examined

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will investigate how much progress communities have made in reducing forest fuels in the wildland-urban interface. The investigation is a follow-up to a report the Board published in February 2010. “We decided earlier this year that it was time to take a look and see what has happened since […]