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Two Quesnel Area Forest Operations Pass Audit

VICTORIA – An audit of two non-replaceable forest licences held by Pacific Bioenergy Timber Corp. and RPP Holdings Inc. in the Quesnel district found both companies’ forest planning, fire protection, harvesting and road activities met the requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act. However, Pacific Bioenergy had an area of improvement involving fire hazard […]

Conservation of Black Bear Dens on Vancouver Island

A professional biologist with black bear expertise submitted a complaint on April 8, 2019, asserting that black bear dens in large diameter, old trees are being lost to harvesting old growth forests on Vancouver Island. The complainant is concerned that the declining availability of large trees will eventually affect population numbers. The Board concluded that […]

Board to audit PIR forestry operations in Bulkley TSA

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest practices of West Fraser Mills Ltd, Pacific Inland Resources Division, Forest Licence A16830, from July 5 to 10. The forest licence is in the Bulkley Timber Supply Area, which is in the Skeena Stikine Forest District. Auditors will examine planning, harvesting, roads, silviculture and fire protection activities for […]

Board to audit BCTS operations near Hazelton

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit forest practices of the BC Timber Sales Program in the Skeena Stikine Forest District from June 15 to 20. The audit will examine timber harvesting, roads, silviculture, fire protection activities, and associated planning, conducted by timber sale licence holders and BCTS, for compliance with forest practices legislation. […]

Board to audit BCTS operations in Kootenay Lake Timber Supply Area

VICTORIA– Forest Practices Board auditors will audit British Columbia Timber Sales (BCTS) operations in the Kootenay Lake Timber Supply Area (TSA) for approximately one week starting June 25, 2007. BCTS is an independent organization, within the Ministry of Forests and Range, created to develop Crown timber for auction. Auditors will examine operational planning; timber harvesting; […]

Canim Lake Band’s forest company passes audit

VICTORIA – An audit of forest planning, harvesting and road practices of Kenkeknem Forest Tenure Ltd., in the 100 Mile District, found that all activities met the requirements of provincial forestry legislation, according to a report released today. “This is one of the first active First Nations Woodland Licences in the province and we were […]

Closing Letter – Impacts of Forestry Activities on Mushroom Habitat near Kitwanga

On September 9, 2019, the Forest Practices Board received a complaint from a resident of Kitwanga. The complainant is concerned that planned harvesting of BC Timber Sales (BCTS) timber sale license A52734 Block 001 will damage valuable mushroom habitat. The complaint considered BCTS’s legal obligations under the Forest and Range Practices Act and investigated whether […]

BCTS operations near Mackenzie pass audit

An audit of BC Timber Sales and 24 timber sale licensees in the Mackenzie District north of Prince George found that forest planning, silviculture, fire protection, harvesting and road activities were mostly in compliance with legislation, according to a report released today.

Board to audit Tembec forestry operations in Cranbrook Area

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit forest practices of Tembec Forest Industries in Forest Licence (FL) A19040 in the Cranbrook Timber Supply Area (TSA) from July 5 to 10. The audit will examine planning, harvesting, roads, silviculture and fire protection activities for compliance with the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire […]

Board to audit Nazko Logging in Quesnel area

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will examine the activities of Ndzakhot’en Forest Management (Nazko Logging) in the Quesnel District during the week of Aug. 19. The audit will examine timber harvesting, road construction, maintenance, silviculture, fire protection and associated planning activities carried out by Nazko for compliance with forest practices legislation. Nazko’s operations are […]